Publicado el boletín HIV This Week No. 97

Boletin HIV This WeekEste boletín es publicado por el Programa Conjunto de las Naciones Unidas Sobre el Sida, ONUSIDA. Los editores y especialistas de ese espacio realizan una exploración selectiva de información relacionada con el VIH publicada en revistas científicas. Luego interpretan los resúmenes originales y proporcionan un comentario, que no representa ninguna declaración oficial de ONUSIDA, pero promueve el debate y el análisis profesional sobre el tema. En idioma inglés. Puede suscribirse para recibirlo por correo electrónico.

En esta ocasión, puede acceder a los comentarios en inglés de los siguientes temas:

1.      Gender based violence

  • Gender inequality norms, rape, and HIV risk: high time for legislative change in Botswana and Swaziland
  • Pro wife-beating attitudes are a red flag identifying men trapped in maladaptive masculinities in Rwanda

2.      Economics

  • Streams of economic benefits offset treatment costs in low- and middle-income countries and generate excellent returns on investment

3.      Microbicides

  • Everything you need to know in the lead up to the Microbicides 2012 conference in Australia

4.      Post-exposure prophylaxis

  • Guidelines for PEPSE (PEP following Sexual Exposure) in the United Kingdom

5.      Basic science

  • The fascinating origins of the HIV pandemic

6.      Injecting Drug Use

  • Women who inject drugs at modestly higher HIV risk than men in high HIV prevalence settings
  • Implications of ecological evidence of reduced ‘community viral load’ following antiretroviral treatment roll-out to people who inject drugs

7.      Epidemiology

  • Couple serodiscordancy patterns in sub-Saharan Africa can inform prevention programming
  • Adjusted BED estimates: can mathematics really make HIV incidence determination simpler?

8.      Treatment

  • Early mortality (death in the first year of antiretroviral treatment) is highest in sub-Saharan Africa, followed by Asia, and the Americas

9.      Non-subtype B infection

  • Subtype A is the least aggressive: could subtyping play a role in clinical management in the future?
  • Would CCR5 antagonists like maraviroc work in India, Uganda, and South Africa: which co-receptor (CCR5, CXCR4) are non-subtype B viruses attracted to (tropism)?

10.     Pre-exposure prophylaxis

  • What would happen to HIV transmission and drug resistance in Botswana if pre-exposure prophylaxis programmes were introduced?

11.     Research conduct

  • Challenges posed by non-inferiority designs for trials of new HIV prevention technologies
  • Good practice case study of knowledge translation and exchange (KTE) with adolescent survey participants in South Africa

12.     Health care delivery

  • Listening to health care workers: ideas on how to improve PMTCT services in Uganda
  • How competing risk of death affects estimates of loss to follow-up in antiretroviral treatment programmes in Zambia and Switzerland

13.     Adolescents

  • Adolescents at a Cape Town community-based antiretroviral therapy clinic have better immune responses despite less virus suppression
  • Low levels of HIV knowledge among street adolescents in rehab centres in Kinshasa

14.     Preventing new paediatric infections

  • Quality of antenatal care also affects PMTCT coverage in the PEARL study in Cameroon, Cote d’Ivoire, South Africa and Zambia
  • The weak link in preventing paediatric infection: HIV acquisition during pregnancy and breastfeeding and what can be done about it.