Publicado el boletín HIV This Week No. 96
Este boletín es publicado por el Programa Conjunto de las Naciones Unidas Sobre el Sida, ONUSIDA. Los editores y especialistas de ese espacio realizan una exploración selectiva de información relacionada con el VIH publicada en revistas científicas. Luego interpretan los resúmenes originales y proporcionan un comentario, que no representa ninguna declaración oficial de ONUSIDA, pero promueve el debate y el análisis profesional sobre el tema. En idioma inglés. Puede suscribirse para recibirlo por correo electrónico. Este número comenta los siguientes temas:
1. Bisexuality in men who have sex with men
- Bisexual behaviour in China: a first meta-analysis
- Lower levels of bisexuality in peri-urban Cape Town
2. Ageing and HIV
- Growing old with HIV: social and behavioural aspects
3. Microbicides
- Rectal pre-exposure prophylaxis (rectal PrEP) trials: A novel way to measure ex vivo efficacy
4. Point of care testing
- Detecting TB and MDR-TB in one sitting: the new molecular-based diagnostic methods for TB
- Effect on pre-treatment losses of point-of-care CD4 cell count tests: what are we waiting for?
5. Faith-based responses
- HIV prevention through treatment scale-up: how Pentecostalism can join the response in Mozambique
6. People living with HIV
- Women could benefit from the HPV vaccine: insights from South Africa, Brazil, and Botswana
7. Epidemiology
- Northern Greece: evidence of transmission clusters of dual drug resistance
8. Vaccines
- Vectored immunoprophylaxis or VIP: a name you will be hearing more often in vaccine research
9. Cost effectiveness
- • Malawi’s DREAM project demonstrates 3 drug regimen cost-effectiveness for PMTCT
- The Haiti CIPRA trial reveals the cost-effectiveness of early versus standard antiretroviral therapy
10. Stigma
- atent class analysis reveals community patterns of stigma in rural Vietnam
- Mindfulness philosophy can help overcome stigma in health care providers
11. Discordant couples
- Risk of HIV acquisition from outside sexual partners by HIV-negative people in HIV serodiscordant partnerships in Botswana, Kenya, Rwanda, South Africa, Tanzania, Uganda, and Zambia
12. Civil society responses
- HIV-prevention in criminalising environments: the case study of Alternatives-Cameroun
13. Male circumcision devices
- Safety and efficacy of the PrePex™ device in Rwanda
- Safety and acceptability of the Alisklamp® device in Kenya
14. National responses
- 21 million treatment days in Germany: a huge database to calculate direct antiretroviral treatment costs and potential cost savings by using generics
HIV This Week. Onusida