Número 92 del boletín HIV This Week!

Publicado el número 92 de HIV This Week! Recordamos que los editores y especialistas de ese espacio realizan una exploración selectiva de información relacionada con el VIH publicada en revistas científicas. Luego interpretan los resúmenes originales y proporcionan un comentario, que no representa ninguna declaración oficial de ONUSIDA, pero promueve el debate y el análisis profesional sobre el tema. Esta es la tabla de contenidos:

1. HIV and chronic disease
_ What lessons can the non-communicable chronic disease (NCD) movement leverage from HIV scale-up?
_ HIV as a chronic disease: need for new care models as patients and providers age in the USA

2. Young people and condoms
_ The Africa Scenarios Project: how young people in 6 African countries write about condoms in video scripts

3. National responses
_ The Catholic Church and the Brazilian National AIDS Program: were they strange bedfellows?
_ China takes a leap forward with Three Ones principles

4. Mobile phones and HIV
_ Are we harnessing the promise of mobile phones rapidly enough?
_ Short message service (SMS) reminders for re-testing among men who have sex with men in Australia

5. Male circumcision
_ Kenya demonstrates how the Chinese Shang Ring device for adult male circumcision can cut surgical time

6. Diagnostic meeting
_ Point of care testing for CD4 counts and drug toxicity by nurses shows excellent results
_ Mini-pooling to improve efficiency of viral load testing cuts costs and can improve access in resource-limited settings

7. Vaccines
_ Genetic impact of vaccination on breakthrough HIV-1 sequences from the STEP trial

8. Mental health and HIV risk
_ Depression, psychological distress and alcohol use in Uganda: time to integrate effective programmes in HIV prevention

9. Mobility: sea, land, and sex
_ Spaces of vulnerability: seaports as hotbeds of HIV in South Africa and Namibia

10. Epidemiology
_ Interpersonal communication in the midst of death and economic catastrophe: is that the explanation for Zimbabwe’s surprising prevention success?

11. Basic science
_ Read this: some personal sexual lubricants cause rectal epithelial cell damage and enhance HIV replication in vitro

12. HIV and health care delivery
_ Zambia leads the way with an impressive electronic perinatal record system with unique identifiers

13. Positive health, dignity, and prevention
_ Why ABC for people living with HIV is not enough in Jinja, Uganda

14. Health education
_ How to reach low-literate readers with antiretroviral information

Fuente: HIV This Week! #92, ONUSIDA