Inician programa de pruebas para método contra influenza porcina
Aethlon Medical, Inc. reveló que investigadores han iniciado las pruebas para su Hemopurificador ® como candidato para el tratamiento contra el virus de la influenza porcina H1N1. El Hemopurificador es el instrumento médico primero en su clase que absorbe selectivamente virus y toxinas inmunosupresoras del torrente sanguíneo. EL instrumento ha sido diseñado para mejorar el beneficio de los regímenes medicamentosos antivirales, y provee una opción terapéutica contra virus infecciosos que no han sido tratados por medicamentos o vacunas.
Los estudios que están probando la efectividad del Hemopurificador ® para capturar el virus H1N1, están siendo llevados a cabo en laboratorios aprobados por los Departamentos de Salud y Servicios Humanos de los Estados Unidos. El Hemopurificador ® ya ha demostrado su efectividad en la captura del virus de la influenza española de 1918 (1918rv) y el virus H5N1 de la influenza aviar. El Hemopurificador ® representa una estrategia promisoria para depurar el H1N1 infeccioso del torrente sanguíneo, ya que el aparato captura selectivamente los virus a través de su cubierta glicoprotéica de hemaglutinina (HA) y neuraminidasa (NA), aún cuando el virus mute y se haga resistente a la terapia medicamentosa y de vacunas.
The World Health Organization (WHO) now projects that two billion people, or one third of the world’s population, will become infected by the virus before the end of the pandemic. Last week, WHO also reported that 1,154 swine flu victims have died since the virus emerged in April, including 338 deaths reported in the prior week alone. Additionally, six patients have recently been identified with viral strains resistant to treatment with Tamiflu, the stockpiled antiviral treatment for pandemic forms of influenza.
“Beyond surging death tolls and reports of drug resistance, the potential for the swine flu virus to mutate into a virulent and lethal form seems increasingly possible over the course of the two billion infections projected by WHO,” stated Aethlon Chairman and CEO, Jim Joyce. “While our primary focus remains the treatment of Hepatitis-C virus (HCV), it is now appropriate and important that we take advantage of the opportunity to validate the capability of our Hemopurifier(R) against infectious H1N1 Swine flu virus,” concluded Joyce.
Since the beginning of 2009, the Hemopurifier(R) has been demonstrated safe and effective in reducing patient viral load in both Hepatitis-C Virus (HCV) and Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) infections. As a result, Aethlon believes the Hemopurifier(R) is the first therapeutic candidate to demonstrate viral reduction benefit against two different viral species in human studies. Such data further reinforces the position of the Hemopurifier(R) as a leading broad-spectrum countermeasure against drug and vaccine resistant viruses. Should H1N1 Swine Flu evolve to be highly virulent and resistant to treatment stockpiles, the Hemopurifier(R) is positioned to become a first-line treatment countermeasure to strengthen the clinical benefit of both established and candidate drug treatments.
About Aethlon Medical
Aethlon Medical creates diagnostic and therapeutic device solutions for infectious disease and cancer. Our Hemopurifier(R) represents the first-in-class medical device to selectively adsorb viruses and immunosuppressive toxins from the bloodstream. The Hemopurifier(R) seeks to improve Hepatitis-C treatment outcomes and serves as a broad-spectrum treatment countermeasure against bioterror and pandemic threats.
Publicado: ago 11th, 2009.