La sección Investigaciones expone trabajos actuales, de carácter investigativo sobre la hipertensión arterial.
Por: B A Ivanovic, M V Tadic y V P Celic. Journal of Human Hypertension (2013) 27, 62–70.
Dipping and nondipping blood pressure (BP) patterns are associated with different levels of target organ damage and cardiovascular risk. The aim of our investigation was to determine the relationship between different BP patterns (dipping, nondipping, extreme dipping and reverse dipping type) and cardiac structure, and function in hypertensive patients. [publicada: 24 de diciembre 2012]
A manera de editorial. Los trabajos y opiniones que aquí se exponen son orientadores de lo que se publica en Cuba y en el mundo sobre aspectos relevantes de la hipertensión arterial.
Por: L G Christogiannis, M S Kostapanos, C C Tellis, H J Milionis, A D Tselepis y M S Elisaf. Journal of Human Hypertension (2013) 27, 44–50.
The effect of antihypertensive drugs on lipoprotein subfraction profile is still under investigation. In this study the effects of fixed combination of valsartan with either amlodipine (V–A) or hydrochlorothiazide (V–H) on low-density-lipoprotein (LDL) and high-density-lipoprotein (HDL) subfraction profile of patients with stage 2 or 3 hypertension were assessed. [publicada: 24 de diciembre 2012]
En esta sección les exponemos algunos artículos publicados sobre la hipertensión arterial.
De la Revista American Journal of Hypertension
Por: José Sendra-Lillo, Daniel Sabater-Hernández, Alejandro de la Sierra, Ángel Sendra-Ortolá, Ana Denia-Tomás y Fernando Martínez-Martínez. Am J Hypertens (2013) 26(1):3-4.
Lower Body Negative Pressure–Induced Vagal Reaction: Role for the Osmopressor Response?
Por: Min-Hui Li, Pei-Husan Chen, Shung-Tai Ho, Che-Se Tung, Tso-Chou Lin, Ching-Jiunn Tseng, Wen-Sheng Huang y Chih-Cherng Lu. Am J Hypertens (2013) 26 (1): 5-12.
Coronary Artery Calcification Is Associated With the Development of Hypertension
Por: Chagai Grossman, Joseph Shemesh, Zamir Dovrish, Nira Koren Morag, Shlomo Segev y Ehud Grossman. Am J Hypertens (2013) 26(1): 13-19.
[publicada: 21 de diciembre 2012]
A manera de editorial. Los trabajos y opiniones que aquí se exponen son orientadores de lo que se publica en Cuba y en el mundo sobre aspectos relevantes de la hipertensión arterial.
Diagnosis and management of patients with white-coat and masked hypertension
Por: Giuseppe Mancia, Michele Bombelli, Gino Seravalle y Guido Grassi. Nature Reviews Cardiology 8, 686-693 (2011).
White-coat hypertension is characterized by an elevation in clinic blood pressure but normal home or ambulatory blood-pressure values, whereas patients with masked hypertension have normal clinic blood pressure and elevated ambulatory or home blood-pressure load. Both white-coat and masked hypertension are frequent clinical entities that need appropriate recognition and a close diagnostic follow-up. White-coat and masked hypertension seem to be associated with organ damage and increased cardiovascular risk, although not invariably. [publicada: 21 de diciembre 2012]
Identificar los costos y las consecuencias financieras de cambios epidemiológicos referentes a la hipertensión en México. Evaluación de los costos, para estimar los costos directos e indirectos, se basó en técnicas de instrumentación y de consenso, para estimar los cambios epidemiológicos y de casos esperados para el período 2010-2012, tres modelos probabilísticos se construyeron de acuerdo a la técnica de Box-Jenkins. Ver más….
Por: Matsui Y, O’Rourke MF, Hoshide S, Ishikawa J, Shimada K y Kario K. Hypertension, 2012 Jun. Vol. 59, Issue: 6: 1132-8. Cochrane BVS.
Day-by-day home blood pressure (BP) variability (BPV) was reported to be associated with increased cardiovascular risk. We aimed to test the hypothesis that the angiotensin II receptor blocker/calcium-channel blocker combination decreases day-by-day BPV more than the angiotensin II receptor blocker/diuretic combination does and investigated the mechanism underlying the former reduction. [publicada: 21 de diciembre 2012]
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