Blood-pressure targets in patients with recent lacunar stroke: the SPS3 randomised trial
Blood-pressure targets in patients with recent lacunar stroke: the SPS3 randomised trial
Por: The SPS3 Study Group. The Lancet, Volume 382, Issue 9891, Pages 507 – 515, 10 August 2013.
Hypertension is the most relevant and prevalent risk factor for stroke, particularly for stroke associated with cerebral small-vessel disease. Reduction in blood pressure is the most effective intervention to prevent stroke. Small subcortical brain infarcts, commonly known as lacunar strokes, comprise about 25% of ischaemic strokes. Most result from disease of the small penetrating arteries. Despite the frequency and importance of these strokes, randomised trials have not focused on prevention of recurrent stroke in patients with MRI-defined lacunar stroke. Whether there are optimum blood-pressure targets to prevent stroke recurrence in patients with cerebral small-artery disease is unknown.
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