Barriers to achieving blood pressure treatment targets in elderly hypertensive individuals
Barriers to achieving blood pressure treatment targets in elderly hypertensive individuals
Por: E K Chowdhury, A Owen, H Krum, L M H Wing, P Ryan, M R Nelson4 y C M Reid on behalf of the Second Australian National Blood Pressure Study Management Committee. Journal of Human Hypertension (2013) 27, 545–551.
High blood pressure (BP) is highly prevalent among the elderly, and even with pharmacological therapy BP is difficult to control to guideline recommended levels. Although poor compliance to therapy is associated with less BP control, little is known regarding other barriers to attaining on-treatment target BP. This study examined factors associated with achieving on-treatment target BP in 6010 hypertensive participants aged 65–84 years from the Second Australian National Blood Pressure study. Participants were followed for a median of 4.1 years, with BP monitored every 6 months. [Actualizado: 16 de agosto 2013].
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