Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass vs Intensive Medical Management for the Control of Type 2 Diabetes, Hypertension, and HyperlipidemiaThe Diabetes Surgery Study Randomized Clinical Trial
Por: Sayeed Ikramuddin, MD; Judith Korner, MD, PhD; Wei-Jei Lee, MD, PhD; John E. Connett, PhD; William B. Inabnet, MD; Charles J. Billington, MD; Avis J. Thomas, MS; Daniel B. Leslie, MD; Keong Chong, MD; Robert W. Jeffery, PhD; Leaque Ahmed, MD; Adrian Vella, MD; Lee-Ming Chuang, MD, PhD; Marc Bessler, MD; Michael G. Sarr, MD; James M. Swain, MD; Patricia Laqua, RD; Michael D. Jensen MD y John P. Bantle, MD. JAMA 2013;309(21):2240-2249.
Controlling glycemia, blood pressure, and cholesterol is important for patients with diabetes. How best to achieve this goal is unknown. To compare Roux-en-Y gastric bypass with lifestyle and intensive medical management to achieve control of comorbid risk factors. In mild to moderately obese patients with type 2 diabetes, adding gastric bypass surgery to lifestyle and medical management was associated with a greater likelihood of achieving the composite goal. Potential benefits of adding gastric bypass surgery to the best lifestyle and medical management strategies of diabetes must be weighed against the risk of serious adverse events. [Actualización: 13 de agosto 2013].
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