Diagnosis and management of patients with white-coat and masked hypertension
A manera de editorial. Los trabajos y opiniones que aquí se exponen son orientadores de lo que se publica en Cuba y en el mundo sobre aspectos relevantes de la hipertensión arterial.
Diagnosis and management of patients with white-coat and masked hypertension
Por: Giuseppe Mancia, Michele Bombelli, Gino Seravalle y Guido Grassi. Nature Reviews Cardiology 8, 686-693 (2011).
White-coat hypertension is characterized by an elevation in clinic blood pressure but normal home or ambulatory blood-pressure values, whereas patients with masked hypertension have normal clinic blood pressure and elevated ambulatory or home blood-pressure load. Both white-coat and masked hypertension are frequent clinical entities that need appropriate recognition and a close diagnostic follow-up. White-coat and masked hypertension seem to be associated with organ damage and increased cardiovascular risk, although not invariably. [publicada: 21 de diciembre 2012]
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