Hypertension Analysis of stress Reduction using Mindfulness meditatiON and Yoga (The HARMONY Study): study protocol of a randomised control trial
Por: Ángel Vargas-Sánchez, Erwin Chiquete, Gabriela E. López-Corrales, Karina Carrillo-Loza, Santiago Núñez-Velasco, Sol Ramírez-Ochoa Ana Ochoa-Guzmán y José L. Ruiz-Sandoval. Archivos de Cardiología de México, vol. 83. Núm. 04. Octubre 2013 – Diciembre 2013.
To obtain a blood pressure reading is mandatory during either the general or specialized physical examination. This study describes factors associated with the accomplishment of blood pressure measurement in the first neurological consultation. We studied first ambulatory neurology consultations in a Mexican referral hospital. Demographic characteristics, diagnostic category of referral, final diagnosis and data on physical examination were collected to establish a logistic regression analysis in order to identify factors associated with the accomplishment of blood pressure measurement. Blood pressure registration was frequently omitted from the first neurological consultation, particularly in outpatients who might need it the most.
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