Central blood pressure: a powerful predictor of the development of hypertension
Estudios importantes sobre hipertension arterial de Cuba y el mundo
Central blood pressure: a powerful predictor of the development of hypertension
Por: Hirofumi Tomiyama, Michael F O’rourke, Hideki Hashimoto, Chisa Matsumoto, Mari Odaira, Masanobu Yoshida, Kazuki Shiina, Mikio Nagata y Akira Yamashina. Hypertension Research (2013) 36, 19–24.
We examined whether the central aortic systolic blood pressure, a marker of the function of the systemic arterial tree, might be a more powerful predictor of the development of hypertension than the brachial-ankle pulse wave velocity, a marker of the stiffness of the large- to middle-sized arteries, independent of the conventional risk factors for the development of hypertension. In 1268 Japanese men without hypertension (43±8 years old), the relationships between three variables (the second peak of the radial pressure waveform (SP2), brachial-ankle pulse wave velocity and conventional risk factors measured at the first examination) with the presence of hypertension at the second examination (after 3 years’ follow-up) were examined.
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