Can we study the baroreflex mechanisms with other variables than blood pressure and heart rate?
Can we study the baroreflex mechanisms with other variables than blood pressure and heart rate?
Por: Bruno Estañol. Archivos de Cardiología de México, vol. 82. núm. 02. Abril – Junio 2012.
The baroreflex (BR) is a fundamental physiological mechanism that keeps the blood pressure (BP) stable by buffering the disturbances that arise in the system during the activities of the daily life. These disturbances alter the control system and deviate the mean BP either increasing or decreasing it. The BP is maintained tonically around a “set point” and the disturbances oscillate around it; they me be profound or relatively minor.
Sometimes the disturbances occur at predictable times such as those seen during non-Rem sleep or rhythmic breathing. The disturbances could be considered “phasic” changes that are randomly added or subtracted to the tonically maintained set point. The set point is dynamic and changes according to the mean BP maintained during a determined period of time, computed, perhaps, in hours or days or even minutes. [Actualizado: 16 de octubre 2013].
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