oct 1st, 2010. En: especialidades.
Osteoarthritis of the hip or knee: which coexisting disorders are disabling? (pdf)
Programa de entrenamiento cognitivo en adultos mayores (pdf)
Geriatric rehabilitation of stroke patients in nursing homes: a study protocol (pdf)
Rehabilitation after falls and fractures (pdf)
Valoración funcional del adulto mayor con discapacidad (htm)
Training-Induced Strength and Functional Adaptations After Hip Fracture (pdf)
Tiempo unipodal y caídas en el anciano (pdf)
Volver a empezar. Ejercicios prácticos de estimulación cognitiva para enfermos de Alzheimer (pdf)
La memoria. Programa de estimulación y mantenimiento cognitivo (pdf)
oct 1st, 2010. En: especialidades.
oct 1st, 2010. En: especialidades.
oct 1st, 2010. En: especialidades.
Validating Self-Report Measures of Pain and Function in Patients Undergoing Hip or Knee Arthroplasty (pdf)
Effect of obesity and low back pain on spinal mobility: a cross sectional study in women (htm)
Stiffness in total knee arthroplasty (pdf)
Effectiveness of Manual Physical Therapy for Painful Shoulder Conditions: A Systematic Review (pdf)
Introducing a feedback training system for guided home rehabilitation (htm)
Short-term effects of implemented high intensity shoulder elevation during computer work. (pdf)
Frequency and Interrelations of Risk Factors for Chronic Low Back Pain in a Primary Care Setting (htm)