

Effect of Stroke on Fall Rate, Location and Predictors: A Prospective Comparison of Older Adults with and without Stroke (pdf)

Osteoarthritis of the hip or knee: which coexisting disorders are disabling? (pdf)

Programa de entrenamiento cognitivo en adultos mayores (pdf)

Inpatient rehabilitation specifically designed for geriatric patients: systematic review and meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials (pdf)

Geriatric rehabilitation of stroke patients in nursing homes: a study protocol (pdf)

Stress Levels amongst Caregivers of Patients with Osteoporotic Hip Fractures -A Prospective Cohort Study (pdf)

Rehabilitation after falls and fractures (pdf)

Valoración funcional del adulto mayor con discapacidad (htm)

Effects of a physiotherapy and occupational therapy intervention on mobility and activity in care home residents: a cluster randomised controlled trial) (pdf

A multidisciplinary, multifactorial intervention program reduces postoperative falls and injuries after femoral neck fracture (pdf)

Training-Induced Strength and Functional Adaptations After Hip Fracture (pdf)

Effect of Weight Loss and Exercise Therapy on Bone Metabolism and Mass in Obese Older Adults: A One-Year Randomized Controlled Trial (pdf)

Factores pronósticos de recuperación funcional en pacientes muy ancianos con ictus. Estudio de seguimiento al año (htm)

Tiempo unipodal y caídas en el anciano (pdf)

Volver a empezar. Ejercicios prácticos de estimulación cognitiva para enfermos de Alzheimer (pdf)

La memoria. Programa de estimulación y mantenimiento cognitivo (pdf)