Técnica Seeplex® RV Multiplex PCR demuestra efectividad en la identificación del nuevo virus de la Influenza A
Producido sobre su ampliamente distribuída plataforma tecnológica multiplex PCR, Seegene está brindando a todo los sistemas de salud del mundo una poderosa técnica diagnóstica para la efectiva identificación del nuevo virus de la Influenza porcina A H1N1
El Seeplex® RV Detection * assays, brinda un amplio rango de capacidad de análisis para la influenza A, a la vez que detecta simultáneamente hasta otros 18 virus respiratorios en un solo test multiplex PCR.
During this current influenza A outbreak, Seegene’s RV products using the company’s sequencing primer patch for final confirmation of swine H1N1 are in use by approximately 200 hospitals worldwide including Mexico, Spain and Korea.
In a recent direct comparison of commercially available diagnostic tests, Seegene’s multiplex PCR technology returned the best results for screening for new influenza A virus in a trial conducted by the Ontario Agency for Health Protection and Promotion. The Seeplex RV12 ACE Detection with H1N1 primer patch showed 100% specificity and 95% sensitivity in testing for Swine-origin influenza virus (SOIV) in nasopharyngeal specimens.
Seegene offers its supplemental H1N1 specific primer in all respiratory virus detection products while the current H1N1 outbreak lasts. By using this additional primer, any suspicious sample can be checked by two-way detecting process — first detection by Influenza A conserved matrix (M) gene primer, then subsequent or simultaneous detection by new H1N1 specific hemagglutinin (H) gene primer.
While the H1N1 virus has been identified as a pandemic strain, healthcare systems around the world do not yet know what impact this pathogen and its variants will have as the regular flu season approaches, and are therefore seeking reliable screening tools to rapidly expand testing capacity.
To help prepare health systems for a robust response in the upcoming flu season, Seegene will release a dedicated multiplex PCR test for Flu A sub-typing in September, which is capable of simultaneously detecting the most common subtypes (H1, H3 and H5) seen in the current and past outbreaks. This test will also provide useful information for the proper antiviral drug prescription as there are many reports about antiviral drug resistance in each serotype.
Publicado: jul 21st, 2009.