Anuncia Senesco los resultados de su prueba de sobrevivencia a la Influenza H1N1 en ratones
Senesco Technologies, Inc. reportó los resultados de los estudios de sobrevivencia a la Influenza H1N1 en ratones que fueron realizados en los laboratorios del Dr. William Scheld en la University of Virginia School of Medicine. Los ratones tratados con un siARN contra el gen del factor 5A de Senesco tuvieron un rango de sobrevivencia del 52% comparado con el 14% de sobrevivencia de los ratones que no recibieron el tratamiento ó que recibieron un control siARN.
Un total de 73 ratones fueron infectados con una dosis letal de influenza de ratón H1N1 administrada por vía nasal. A los ratones tratados n = 31 se les administró siARN de Senesco contra el Factor 5A aproximadamente 24 horas después de la infección y después en días alternos durante 11 días. Los ratones tratados revirtieron la pérdida de peso típica que se ve en ratones infectados alrededor del octavo día del estudio, lo que coincide con la reducción de la mortalidad. Los ratones tratados tienen otros indicadores de disminución de la severidad de la enfermedad como lo demostraron los valores de glucosa en sangre y las enzimas hepáticas.
Dr. Scheld, the Bayer-Gerald L. Mandell Professor of Internal Medicine at the University of Virginia School of Medicine and past president of the Infectious Diseases Society of America, commented, “These prototype studies have demonstrated that Factor 5A is a promising candidate for future study in several infectious diseases, including a model of lethal influenza.”
Bruce Galton, Senesco’s President and CEO, added, “We believe these data from Dr. Scheld further underscore Factor 5A’s ability to mitigate apoptosis caused by inflammation, in this case from the H1N1 flu model. As we have previously stated, one of the attributes of Senesco’s Factor 5A technology is its broad applicability. While we are currently working on our primary goal of filing an investigational new drug application with the FDA for the treatment of multiple myeloma, it is important that our other inflammation programs also progress.”
About Senesco Technologies, Inc.
Senesco Technologies, Inc. is a U.S. biotechnology company, headquartered in New Brunswick, NJ. Senesco has initiated preclinical research to trigger or delay cell death in mammals (apoptosis) to determine if the technology is applicable in human medicine. Accelerating apoptosis may have applications to development of cancer treatments. Delaying apoptosis may have applications to certain diseases inflammatory and ischemic diseases. Senesco takes its name from the scientific term for the aging of plant cells: senescence. Delaying cell breakdown in plants extends freshness after harvesting, while increasing crop yields, plant size and resistance to environmental stress. The Company believes that its technology can be used to develop superior strains of crops without any modification other than delaying natural plant senescence. Senesco has partnered with leading-edge companies engaged in agricultural biotechnology and earns research and development fees for applying its gene-regulating platform technology to enhance its partners’ products.
Publicado: may 27th, 2009.