CFIA descifra la composición genética del H1N1 en cerdos
Científicos del Centro Nacional de Enfermedades Animales Foráneas (NCFAD) de la Agencia de Inspección de Alimentos de Canadá (CFIA) han mapeado la secuencia genética completa del virus encontrado en cerdos en Alberta, lo que contribuirá a una mejor comprensión del virus y de su efecto en animales por parte de la comunidad científica a nivel mundial.
El virus de la influenza no afecta la seguridad de la carne de puerco manipulada adecuadamente.
In close collaboration with their colleagues at Canada’s National Microbiology Laboratory, CFIA scientists now have a complete picture of the virus detected in swine on an Alberta farm. This validates early test results and confirms that the virus found in the pigs is the same as the virus causing illness in humans around the world.
The CFIA will share the diagnostic methods developed to identify the novel H1N1 influenza in swine with provinces and territories, international agencies and other countries to facilitate surveillance and detection activities.
Researchers are now focusing on how the H1N1 flu virus affects swine. Although more study is needed, early observations suggest that infected animals become sick and recover naturally, just as they would if exposed to influenza viruses commonly seen in swine herds at a global level.
Ongoing CFIA research is examining whether or not other animals are susceptible to the virus. This information may be used to refine disease prevention and control measures. Studies are also underway to assess the effectiveness of current vaccines, and to develop better and faster diagnostic methods.
Publicado: may 20th, 2009.