SRI Internacional investiga medicamentos que combaten la Influenza A / H1N1 2009
SRI International, una organización independiente, de investigación y desarrollo sin fines de lucro, anunció que investigará una biblioteca de medicamentos bien caracterizada contra el virus de la influenza A H1N1 del 2009, anteriormente conocida como “gripe porcina”. El trabajo se llevará a cabo en virtud de un contrato de recursos de la División de Microbiología y Enfermedades Infecciosas (DMID) en el Instituto Nacional de Alergia y Enfermedades Infecciosas (NIAID) que pertenece los Institutos Nacionales de Salud.
Actualmente sólo existe una clase de medicamentos antivirales, los inhibidores de la neuraminidasa, disponibles para el tratamiento de esta infección por H1N1. La identificación de medicamentos de otras tipos de química y mecánica, podría proporcionar alternativas más eficaces a las actuales terapias y hacer más fácil la administración de cantidades suficientes de medicamentos a una población amplia, en caso de necesidad. El desarrollo de nuevos tratamientos puede ser acelerado si se estudian medicamentos que ya tienen bien caracterizado su seguridad y perfiles de toxicidad.
“SRI has expertise in screening new and approved drugs, including the development of novel uses for antibiotics and screening a library of licensed drugs to find compounds that show efficacy against biothreat agents. SRI appreciates the opportunity to apply its knowledge and skills to screening drugs against H1N1 flu and contributing to the overall understanding of the virus,” said Amy Shurtleff, Ph.D., a senior virologist in SRI International’s Biosciences Division, who will lead this screening program.
Although the number of new 2009 H1N1 influenza A virus cases appears to be slowing worldwide, viruses are unpredictable. In particular, it is not known how this new virus will behave when the seasonal flu season returns this fall and in subsequent years. Scientists are looking at the Southern Hemisphere now, where the flu season will begin soon, for any signs of changes in the H1N1 virus and how humans respond to the infection.
SRI has a long and successful history of drug discovery and development, which includes both screening of licensed drugs and finding and studying new chemical and biological therapeutics and vaccines. The virus will be handled in compliance with all guidelines prescribed by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) for handling this strain of influenza. SRI researchers will culture cell lines and study H1N1 virus growth under well-controlled conditions. Next, they will begin testing the first round of drugs. Assuming that some drugs show worthwhile efficacy and potency, SRI will help develop a plan for preclinical and clinical evaluation and regulatory approval.
Fuente: SRI International To Screen Drugs That Fight 2009 H1N1 Influenza A. Disponible en: [Accedido Mayo 16, 2009]
Publicado: may 15th, 2009.